Hereunder, find an ever growing listing for rules of every degenerate nasty lurking in the streets of Necropolis, starting with...


Ghouls are... Cautious predators who train vicious hounds to bring down their prey before closing in themselves for the kill 

Ghouls are deployed in packs containing two ghouls and two hounds Ghoul King can be substituted for two ghouls.
In order to Advance (enter the line of sight of an opponent and move toward them), a ghoul must pass a roll on the table below with the modifiers shown  
Roll 8+ to Advance
Outnumber Opponents
Opponents Impaired
Opponents at Devil's Door

Ghouls heal very quickly, regenerating one health bar per turn
Ghouls suffer different effects from being taken to Impaired or Devil's Door. When Impaired they get +1 Dice in combat (representing their desperate fury). At Devil’s Door they cannot attack but are otherwise fine (so will tend to flee so that they can heal).
 Ghouls are ignored by zombies

They do 1 Lethal Dice damage when attacking. They move Yellow.
A complete character sheet is available on the Free Downloads page.

Ghoul Hounds
Ghoul Hounds may be set loose to attack if opponents are within 12" (Green)
Once loose, the hounds will move straight towards and charge opponents
If they no longer have opponents to fight they will either: charge other opponents within 12" OR return to their handlers
When a hound receives a kill wound, give it a kill marker. It dies if it receives a second wound while marked
Remove any kill markers when the ongoing combat ends
If the ghoul handlers are killed, the hounds will move randomly until they find more opponents, more ghouls or any dead bodies on which to feast  

Wild Ghoul Hounds
Ghoul Hounds can be found wild. If so, they will be nested in a particular building/area
Choose a building/area secretly during deployment for the hound nest
When opponents move within 12" (Green) of the area, the hounds are deployed
Once loose, the hounds will move straight towards and charge opponents
If they no longer have opponents to fight they will either: charge other opponents within 12" OR return to their area and Hide.
The Ghoul miniatures pictured here were purchased from Heresy Miniatures.

Vampires are... Mercurial predators who take pleasure in toying with their victims, superhumanly strong, fast and difficult to kill.

Vampires cannot be killed by conventional weapons at all.
They may be killed with a wooden stake.
A wooden stake can be made by spending 4 actions in an appropriate location (such as a ruined building or wood)
When attacking vampires with a stake only 1 die is rolled on the Stake Effects column of the Vampire Damage table.
Weapons with Lethal Dice roll the normal number of dice on the Lethal Effects column of the Vampire Damage table. As the table shows, they can only be affected by Pushbacks and by losing actions.
For each action lost, place a marker next to the vampire. The vampire must “spend” actions to remove markers. In this way a vampire can be held in place, stunned by concentrated weapons fire, while characters flee or prepare to attack with a stake.

Vampire Damage

Stake Effects
Lethal Effects
Pushed Back
Pushed Back
Pushed Back/ Vampire Child Killed
Pushed Back/ Vampire Lady Killed
-1 Action
Vampire Lord Killed

The table below shows the Vampire movement and damage.

Vampire Lord
Dark Lady
Vampire Children
Teeth & Claws
Teeth & Claws
Teeth & Claws
4 Lethal 
3 Lethal 
2 Lethal 



Starting Positions
If mission does not state otherwise, deploy clusters anywhere on board with 12 " (GREEN) between them minimum

  • Zombies are deployed in groups of three. They must remain within 1" of one another 
  • They get 1 group of three per gun-armed human in opposition  
  • They get 1 group of two per unarmed human in opposition  
  • Zombies must be kept in clusters of two or more whenever possible
  • Zombies use BLUE movement  
  • They may only walk unless AWARE  
  • Zombie player can choose to have them stay still or move  
  • If they move they move randomely unless AWARE (using a Games Workshop scatter dice)  
  • If a target is rolled on the scatter dice the zombie player can choose the direction  
  • In subsequent turns, randomly moving zombies may continue in a straight line instead of rerolling
  • Zombies have a 90 degree line of sight  
  • They can spot things within 18" (RED)  
  • Once a human is spotted they become AWARE and MUST run straight toward them  
  • All zombies on the board MAY walk toward the source of a gunshot  
  • Unless already AWARE, half the zombie clusters on the board (rounded up) MUST walk toward the source of a gunshot (place a star on the board for the latest gunshot location)  
  • If humans Call Out to distract zombies, zombies must move toward them if (a) they are closer than the characters they were already pursuing or (b) they can no longer see their quarry  
  • If humans go out of sight once spotted the zombies may either continue to walk toward where they were and then turn the direction they went OR may choose to stay still or move randomely
  • Zombies attack with 1 Lethal Dice
Attacking Zombies

  • Zombies are damaged using the following damage chart
Die Roll
Bash Effects
Lethal Effects
Pushed Back
Knocked Down

  • When Zombies are KO'd or killed, lay them face down 
  • At the beginning of the next Zombie turn roll a D6 for each downed zombie 
  • On a 5+ they stand back up 
  • Zombies cannot charge in the turn they come back to life
  • If they are knoked down it takes 1 action for them to stand

When Antagonists are described as functioning as Stalkers, they use the following rules.

For much of the game they remain invisible to the other player, moving in secret behind a screen on the Stalking Grid. The numbers on the Stalking Grid correspond to printed numbers cut out and distributed across the board.

Set Up

  • Download the Necropolis Stalking Number sheet from the Free Downloads page. Cut out the numbers
  • Distribute the Stalk Point numbers evenly across the board with approximately 10-12" between them
  • Download the Stalking Grid from the FREE DOWNLOADS page

  • Place it next to the board behind a screen to stop your opponent seeing it

  • Stalkers are deployed unseen on the Stalking Grid 
  • They may not be deployed within three Stalk Points of opposing characters 
  • Each turn they may move to one adjacent Stalk Point on the Stalking Board OR reveal themselves
  • Only one stalker may be present on each Stalk Point
  • To reveal them, place the Stalker on the Stalk Point on the board corresponding to the square they start the turn occupying on the Stalking Board
  • They may then make a normal move
  • A Stalker can only return to the Stalking Board if all opponents who aren't Knocked Out or at Devil's Door are out of line of sight. If the Stalker reaches a stalk point under these conditions then it instantly disappears

Looking for Stalkers
  • Characters may use 1 action to look for nearby Stalkers. The Stalker player secretely rolls 1d10. If an 8+ is rolled then a single  Stalker whose stalk point is in line of sight is revealed
  •  If spotted, the Stalker is placed on the Stalk Point and the Stalker's opponent continues their turn 
Bugs are... Slow moving creatures with potent attacks that hide in very dense terrain, preying on carrion                 

Bugs are STALKERS and using the stalking board for deployment and movement. 
They operate in clusters of two.                                       

Blood Roaches 
Blood Roaches may only walk BLUE                                       

They do 1 Lethal Dice damage                                        

When a Blood Roach receives a kill wound, give them a kill marker. They die if they receive a third wound while marked. Remove any kill markers when the ongoing combat ends. 

Swamp Maggots                                       

Swamp Maggots may only walk BLUE                                       

They do 2 Lethal Dice damage                                       

When a Blood Roach receives a kill wound, give them a kill marker. They die if they receive a second wound while marked. Remove any kill markers when the ongoing combat ends

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